This website has two areas that require a login and password: the member’s menu on the homepage, and the online tuition. There are two common reasons for this problem: 1. you mistyped either your login or password (this is not your bank account, there is no security required to choose a complex password) or, 2. You have not registered.

£25 per annum, unless you are an individual member of the SNU, then it is £10 per annum.

No, even if it is a church that is Affiliated to the SNU; church membership is not the same as individual membership of the SNU. An individual member is an individual subscribing member and you will have a unique number issued to you by the SNU. You use this number to qualify for the £15 reduction in SNUi membership fees.

If this is your first time in a Zoom Class you may be asked to download the Zoom Application. For this reason, it is useful to try logging into the class well in advance of the start time. The link for each class is on the Tuition Program.

When you click on the ‘Go to Classroom’ button you will be asked to entre a password. This is the monthly password posted in the Newsletter.

You will see a box open with the options to Join with or without video on – select your preferred option to entre the Zoom Class.

Your microphone should be muted initially if not please click on the mute microphone icon at the botton left of the Zoom Window

You may temporarily unmute your mic as required during the class

You should also:

Click on Participants Icon to display a list of those present

And click on Chat to display the chat panel

Both these display to the right of the screen.

You are now set for the meeting.